For the very FIRST time in Australia and EXCLUSIVE to the Tribe…we go to VANUATU and are very proud to launch the 83 Islands Yumi Rum to the Tribe!

The very first rum from a country many Aussies are familiar with – Vanuatu! One of Australia’s most popular island holiday destinations now has its own rum – and the story has so many layers it makes Donkey’s onion look like a Fruit Rollup!

This month’s 83 Islands ‘Yumi Rum’ is distilled from a fresh crushed sugarcane juice wash. It was run with three plates of the 500l hybrid pot/column still in operation. The spirit was matured in the Port Vila warehouse in four used bourbon barrels from four of the world’s leading Bourbon producers – Peerless Distilling, Heaven Hill Distillery, Brown Foremen and, of course, the Jim Beam Distillery.

I guess the first thing you should know is that the name ‘Yumi Rum’ means ‘Our Rum’ in the local dialect. As you can see straight away – this rum carries a sense of ownership by the Efate community that grows its main ingredient.

83 Islands is Vanuatu’s first (and currently only) rum brand – period. Named for the 83 individual islands that make up the country of Vanuatu, it has been distilling since 2019 but before that, had to build an entire supply industry to ‘fuel’ it with it’s base product – fresh sugar cane!

83 Islands Yumi Rum

So, six years ago there was NO sugar cane industry in Vanuatu. A certain Vanuatuan named Pierre-Luc Chabot, however, wanted to make rum. As you can probably guess by the name, old Pierre-Luc was set on making rum in the Agricole style and so the simple solution of importing some molasses was not an option. So (as one does in this situation) Pierre-Luc set about encouraging and helping the local farmers convert their crops to sugar-cane.

Previously, there was very little demand for locally grown sugarcane, the price for it was very low, and so very few people grew it. Pierre-Luc guaranteed the local farmers he would pay 8-times the local price for their cane and helped the local farmers establish the new crop.

After the initial seasons proved the potential of the combined industries it was apparent that an escalation in production would be needed to sustain the distillery. To do so the Efate farmers (averaging about a ½ acre of pasture per family) would need to clear land. This presented somewhat of a problem as the farms were all hand-run. There were no tractors or machinery to speak of. So Pierre-Luc worked with the Vanuatu Department of Agriculture to assist the farmers in clearing the land.

Which brings us to the sugarcane itself. As mentioned above all work on the farms – including harvesting the cane – is done by hand. And while official organic certification is years away (if ever) due to the means required to acquire such certification, the farms simply couldn’t be anymore organic. And the sugar cane varieties the Efate farmers are cultivating are all heirloom Vanuatuan varieties of cane.

And so how is this ‘experiment’ progressing – well, as I write this, they are in the process of finalising the upgrade from a pair of 500l stills to a 2000l still. So it seems things are going spectacularly well for Pierre-Luc and his team – as well as the local Efate sugar famers of Vanuatu!

83 Islands Yumi Rum
Red Mill Coconut Rum
The Tribe are the first to get their hands on a REAL aged RUM with REAL COCONUT…the very GROWN UP Red Mill Coconut Rum.

Our Tasting Notes:

Nose: Sweet floral and grassy notes. Fresh cut cane billets sitting in the sun, some plump sultana notes and a very feint whiff of sweet polythene glue.

Palate: A lovely delicate spirit, very little pepper, sweet fruit salad notes and very little, if any, funk at all. Some citrus peel is apparent and a nice vanilla twang is present as palate and finish overlap.

Finish: Pleasant vanilla wraps around delicate fruit notes, a sprinkling of demerara sugar, some ginger-y spice and more citrus – but citrus oil in the finish.

I’ve been looking forward to offering this Australian first from Vanuatu ever since I tasted it at Justin Boseley’s (of Dead Reckoning) house early in 2023. It a simply delightful sipper of a rum. Mild enough to share neat with an inexperienced friend, yet complex enough to impress your most geeky of rum buddies. This is an absolutely sublime rum that we are proud to introduce to Australia for the very first time.

Not a Member? Join Today!
  • PRICE : $135

  • ABV : 41.5%

  • BOTTLE: 750ml

  • REGION: Vanuatu

  • No Added Sugar / No Added Colour

83 Islands Yumi Rum Bottle


I am excited to introduce the latest release from 83 Islands Distillery, very first aged sugar cane rum, available exclusively through the Rum Tribe. We call it Yumi Rum. It’s a term we reserve for authentic cane rums made from our heirloom sugar cane. It means ‘our rum’ in the local language, Bishama. This rum is rich in notes of vanilla and caramel signature flavours imparted by the American oak barrels. It was aged in four exceptional barrels from some of the best bourbon distilleries, Peerless Distilling, Heaven Hill Distillery, Brown Forman and Jim Beam.

These barrels were aged at our distillery in Port Villa Vanuatu, where the tropical environment and high immunity averaging 80% shaped the character of the rum. Despite being only two years old, the intense tropical aging has given this rum a maturity far beyond its years. These first filled barrels had an average of 11% weight loss and 17% reduction in alcohol content. The result is a smooth, naturally sweet run. The sweetness comes entirely from the fermentation, the distillation, and reinforced by filling the barrel at only 60%abv.

We’re incredibly proud of this batch made from some of the very first sugarcane we grew on the island and distilled using only three plates in a single pass-through 500 litre copper pot still.  With only a limited amount of bottles made, we’re thrilled to share this batch treasure with rum enthusiasts. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Thank you.


83 Islands Distillery is located just outside of Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu.

At the heart we are a craft rum distillery. We have been filling barrels and aging rum since 2019. We also make limited editions flavoured rums and gins and other spirits using local ingredients, most notably kava. We aim to open to the public for tours and tasting in our new tasting space by the end of 2021.

Our goal is to produce the highest quality rum and offer our clients total transparency in the production process and origin of ingredients. We are experimenting with various yeasts and creating multiple flavour profiles to showcase what craft rum is all about. Each bottle comes with a detailed description of our process. 

We are currently working with local farmers to improve the sugarcane production on the island of Efate. Our 2020 Rhum Agricole is made with wild sugarcane, as there is no historical sugarcane plantation in the country even if Saccharum officinarum is originating from this part of the world, Melanesia. In the coming years, we will shift most of our production from molasses to sugarcane and create a new industry that will support hundreds of local families.  

We age our rum in various types of casks imported from France and the United States. Our barrel inventory includes ex-Chardonnay and ex-Red Wine in French barrique made with American Oak, New and Used bourbon barrels from Kelvin Cooperage in Louisville, KY and a variety of South American Rum barrels, Rye and Brandy barrels from the United States. 

Our South Pacific subtropical climate creates an exceptional environment for rum ageing. The high temperature and high humidity we experience means we lose a fair amount of rum every year but that helps us age our rum faster as the oxidative processes operates faster than a more temperate climate. Although Vanuatu sees very little temperature changes of the water that surrounds its islands during the year, hovering around 27 degrees Celsius, we do experience a significant seasonal temperature variation from 35 C during the summer to 18 C during our coolest winter nights. 

83 Islands Yumi Rum

Welcome back to the Caribbean! Not just any Caribbean rum – a single origin rum from the Diamond Distillery in Guyana, blended from spirit out of 3 different working museum piece wooden stills (the only wooden stills still existing) – and then given the ‘magic touch’ by the Dead Reckoning dry age treatment here in Adelaide –  The Dead Reckoning ‘The Black Pit’!

This is exclusive in Australia to the Rum Tribe. We get first dibs and whatever the Tribe doesn’t snatch up will be boxed and sent to Europe (seriously there will be none left).

So, the Black Pit is a blend of spirit from the afore mentioned three stills – run with both open and closed-fermented molasses-based wash. 5 years of tropical aging in Guyana (in an ex-bourbon cask) before heading to SA for a ‘double dose’ of Adelaide dry-aging in both a South Australian Muscat (Woodstock Winery) cask and an ex-Makers Mark bourbon cask for a further two and a half years. Bottled in EXTREMELY limited quantity – once it’s gone… it’s gone!

The Black Pit pays homage to three of DDL’s stills that are absolutely amazing in that they are made of wood! Yep, that’s right – 3 of the DDL stills are actually constructed of wood. They are the world’s only remaining commercially operating wooden stills – and they are all under the one roof in Guyana! Firstly, from (the now closed) Enmore distillery is their wooden Coffey column still. Secondly a wooden single-vat (the term ‘vat is used in place of ‘pot’ as it’s made of wood, not copper) still with retort from the old Versaille Distillery, and finally a still from the former Port Mourant Distillery that is a ‘double wooden vat with retort still’.

But why wood? Well, pretty simple really – refined metal (especially copper!) was just too rare a commodity (and thus extremely expensive) back ‘in the day’ in Guyana. What they did have though, was an abundance of an incredibly hard-wearing and resilient wood called ‘Greenhart’.  Almost as strong as copper or steel, so hard it was unable to be milled or worked with ‘standard’ tools, and impervious to rot – it was used in many of the 300 distilleries that once populated Guyana. Today, only three running examples survive and all are located at Diamond Distillery. If you’d like to know more about these incredible working relics from a different age – there’s an excellent article at Cocktail Wonk complete with an interview with DDL’s master distiller Shaun Caleb.

Dead Reckoning ‘The Black Pit’

Now the name ‘The Black Pit’ is where Justin Boseley’s WWII Battle for the Atlantic ‘geekness’ intersects with yours truly’s WWII aviation ‘nerdity’. It’s what the merchant marines ferrying vital supplies from Allied countries to Britain called the [huge] gap in where allied air cover could reach to protect the merchant shipping convoys from the dreaded U-Boat wolf-packs. Until the invention and widespread use of sonar, air cover was virtually the only defence the convoys had against the U-boat packs which ravaged the vital supply lines. But the range of the aircraft was limited. For pretty much all the central Atlantic the allied merchant ships were on their own. This vast area of ocean was known as ‘The Black Pit’.  In his role as a ‘mega-yacht captain’ – Justin made nine Atlantic crossings, and each time he did so was struck by the thought of the wartime mariners and the vast distance form land they were if they went down.

Geographically, Guyana (which translates to ‘land of many waters’) sits comfortably in it’s ‘tropical paradise’ locale between Venezuela, Suriname and Brazil. In the late 1700’s, Guyana (known then as British Guiana) was the home to some 300 rum distilleries. All these distilleries capitalising on the local superb Demerara Sugar industry, and each with their own ‘marque’  identifying it’s rums origin. (NB – The Black Pit label has the marques for the three stills proudly up front – EHP VSG PM)

By the time Guyana gained it’s independence in the 1960’s, most of the countries distilleries were either closed or merged/consolidated – in fact by the end of WW2 only 9 distilleries were left operating – and all were owned by 2 British companies. The independence of Guyana saw both of these companies nationalised, and the transition to Guyanese ownership saw them renamed as ‘Guyana Disitlleries Ltd’ and Diamond Liquors Ltd. In 1983 these two companies merged to create ‘Demerara Distillers Limited’ (DDL). In 2017 Guyanese ‘Demerara Rum’ gained its own ‘G.I.’ (Geographic Indicator – in short, only allowing actual Guyanese made-and-aged ‘Demerara Rum’ to be called such). In 2021 the Demerara Rum G.I. was officially recognised by the E.U. giving this Guyanese product much greater protection internationally.

Still to this day running under the guise of DDL, they continue to produce some of the world’s finest rums in what can only be described as a living, working rum museum.

The Diamond Distillery has more stills than any other Caribbean rum distillery, some of which could qualify as historic treasures. And this month’s incredible rum from Dead Reckoning celebrates three of these stills in particular – all tied by what they are constructed of.

This is an astounding rum in its own right – and we believe a world first blend of the three heritage wooden DDL stills. Regardless, at $149 it is absolutely amazing value and is sure to become a world-wide collector’s item. So you’re actually investing in a better future by buying two bottles. You know you should!

Dead Reckoning ‘The Black Pit’
Karu Outcask Maple Cask
Right…Australian Rum + Australian Whiskey + Canadian Maple Syrup???

Our Tasting Notes:

Nose: Rather light on the nose. Not light as in insipid – but light as in light fragrances. There’s a distinct floral note there (frangipani, or is it jasmine?) as well as an earthy, almost petrichor fragrance. Over time it opens up to give some lipstick and then a real fresh cut grassy aroma becomes evident.

Palate: POW! – wow, what a total ambush. That light and floral nose gives absolutely NO hint of the rich, syrupy flavour-bomb that hits on the palate! The sticky date pudding notes are off the chart here! Huge and sumptuous and sweet and unbelievably chewy. But there’s more – a definite creaminess to it, in fact it develops a real creaming-soda vibe as you chew it – and before you know it, a big drizzle of honey comes out and raps itself around a Werther’s Original Cream Caramel.

Finish: Big and lush and ooh so totally chewy with espresso coffee and bitter dark chocolate (my 14yo son says it’s tiramisu and once he said that I can’t argue) plus a warming peppery embrace (thank you Mr. Muscat cask!) that sticks to your cheeks as you’re reaching for the bottle again.

Simply put, this is a multi-layered exuberance… a superabundance of thick, syrupy goodness underneath an understated, almost dry olfactory introduction. Once again Dead Reckoning has given us a rum we didn’t even know we needed until we tasted it. Oh yeah, and you do need this rum. You’ll love it from the first sip, and keep discovering new components as the aromas and flavours evolve over the course of 5, 10… even 20 mins, so make it a good size pour!

Not a Member? Join Today!
  • PRICE : $149

  • ABV : 50%

  • BOTTLE: 700ml

  • REGION: Guyana / Australia

  • No Added Sugar / No Added Colour

Dead Reckoning ‘The Black Pit’ Bottle


I’ve always been a big fan of Guyanese Rum ever since the York family from Quittin Time in Australia introduced them to me 13 years ago. Pencil was put to paper in 2020 to try and come up with what I would see, as the ultimate blend showcasing what three wooden stills can produce.

Following in tradition with past releases this has a strong connection to Maritime history. Aptly named ‘The Black Pit’.

The term Black Pit referred to a perilous area in the mid-Atlantic gap during the Battle of the Atlantic in World War II. Here, German U-boats had an advantage due to the absence of protective air cover, making the allied convoys easy targets.

Having done nine Atlantic Crossings myself sitting on the bridge of a mega yacht at 2 am, my mind used to wander to this perilous section of the Atlantic thinking how disastrous it would feel floating around in one of the world’s largest sections of ocean after your boat had been sunk.

What can only be described as a sticky date pudding, topped with toffee caramel and steamed with fresh roasted coffee in a glass.


Justin Boseley, has immersed himself in rum for the past 20 years; a journey starting as a deck scrubbing lad with a thirst for Rum and adventure culminated in him becoming a Chief Officer; driving billionaire’s mega yachts around the world. This life of salty seadog adventure took him to Rum’s heartland, the Caribbean islands for 6 months a year, every year.

When he wasn’t at the helm of a mega-yacht he could be found hanging off a bar or at a distillery sampling the best the Caribbean rum scene had to offer. Upon ending his days at sea there was only one thing he knew better that navigating around the world’s oceans- that was Rum. For 10 years Justin has scoured the globe discovering & importing the world’s best rums into Australia.

Dead Reckoning is Australia’s first independent rum bottler, and each release from his bond-store is an anticipated event that never fails to please!  The Rum Tribe is incredibly proud of our close association with Justin and the Dead Reckoning brand.

Dead Reckoning ‘The Black Pit’

A famous 1930’s rum Brand resurrected and reimagined by no less than the great-grandson of the original distiller and EXCLUSIVE to the Tribe – The Red Mill Rum Gold Rum!

Now what do you get if you take a 6th generation spirit wholesaler AND great grandson of the producer of Sydney’s favourite rum brand of the 1930’s through to 1970’s – then team him up with a legend in high-end spirit sales in Australia, the former Australian brand ambassador for Moet-Hennessy? Well, you get Red Mill Rum is what you get!

This first batch of Red Mill Gold Rum is a marriage of 5 types of cask – White Bordeaux, Aussie Pinot Noir, Oloroso and Mistelle Sherry and Cognac. Married and slowly diluted to 42%abv in an inert vat, it was then rested in an ex-bourbon cask for a month before bottling.

Red Mill Rum Gold Rum

David Fesq and Garth Foster are the two brains behind this relative newcomer to the Aussie rum scene. And they’re not content to do it the ‘usual way’’. Their vision is of a rum with a lighter, more floral flavour profile and they have certainly achieved this in spades!

Now, whilst they have re-used the ‘Red Mill Rum’ brand (and let’s face it – who wouldn’t if their family ‘owned it’ all those years ago) – they have never set out to recreate Red Mill exactly the same as it was.  Theirs is a new, re-imagining of the family brand. Unlike the original – it’s not being contract-distilled by the local CSR sugar mill as it was ‘back in the day’. Nope – this is a hands-on brand resurrection – giving David and Garth the ability to produce rum exactly how they want to.

Their spirit is lighter and cleaner than a lot of our ‘artisanal’ rum makers due in part to their use of a column still which helps extract a more crisp spirit, less oily and more refined. They use a mix of Winemaker’s PDM (Chardonnay) and Fusion (Pinot Noir) yeasts. ~96 hours of fermentation giving a ~7.5% yield. This, combined with their exclusive use of ex-wine or grape spirit aging casks, produces a spirit with as unique a spectrum of aromas and flavours as I’ve ever tasted.

Red Mill Rum Gold Rum
Killik Handcrafted Rum Hard Ginger Beer
RUM GINGER BEER! Take Queensland Ginger and add it to Killik’s legendary high ester spirit and BOOM

Our Tasting Notes:

Nose: Big grated apple notes dominate the nose at first but then subtle red wine tannin-ey notes begin to curl through. After a minute or two in the glass, soft jasmine notes make themselves known as well.

Palate: Clean and crisp on the palate as column stills do so well. An initial, surprising – but delicious- peanut-brickle burst of flavour backed up by   lovely, fruity notes – pineapple, apple and pear  – with biscuit spices and fresh pastry notes wafting confidently in the background.

Finish: Fades out with a delightful, almost ginger-nut biscuit feel. Definitely ground ginger there, but those spices fade out hand in hand with it.

This is a rum unlike any I’ve tried before. It’s definitely not your classic caramel and liquorice forward Aussie Style. It’s light on the palate, but by no means insipid. Fruity without being too sweet or funky. Bold flavours – but not overbearing.  Floral, but not over the top. The wine cask maturation definitely has a noticeable hand in this. I’ve only tried it straight up so far – but I’m betting this will have a huge contribution to make to the cocktail scene with it’s rather unique flavour profile.

Purchase this Rum
  • PRICE : $119

  • ABV : 42%

  • BOTTLE: 700ml

  • REGION: Australia (NSW)

  • No Added Sugar / No Added Colour

Red Mill Rum Gold Rum Bottle


The GOLD rum is the embodiment of our vision for a new Red Mill – using the finest barrels from around the world to craft a style of Rum that is delicious, balanced, refined and elegant.

When you close your eyes and think of Rum, you probably have a few things that come to mind. Everyone does. For me, it’s the colour gold. Golden sand, golden sunsets, gold Rum. 

In early February 2024, we selected a small batch of casks to make up the first Red Mill GOLD Rum – these were all barrels that have been aged for at least 24 months, had previously held some type of wine or grape spirit, and suited the goal of a delicious and elegant style. In this first batch, the casks were ex- Red Bordeaux, Australian Pinot Noir, Oloroso and Mistelle Sherries and Cognac,

We then decanted these barrels into a mixing vat to settle together. We slowly added filtered water each day to gently bring the cask strength alcohol (59%) down to the target (42%). 

Then, over a month, we have left it to rest. Finally, we transferred the Rum back into old American oak casks for one final rest before bottling. All done by hand, using gravity. 


The first thing to know is it’s a blend a five different casks, which means it’s more about balance and complexity than a specific barrel trait or stamp. It’s also important to note all of the casks are “ex-grape” barrels, either wine, brandy or sherry. This contributes to the overall sense of harmony and “delicateness”.

It’s aromatic and floral, with strong primary flavours – fruit notes, especially dried stone fruits like mango and apricot, and spice, vanilla and fine cinnamon. The barrels themselves have contributed depth and complexity, supporting the flavours rather than dominating them.

It’s a medium bodied style, with a clear strength in drinkability and versatility. I always think it works just as well at the end of a long workday as it does the finish to a great meal. 

It’s been bottled with no colouring, flavourings or additional sugar.


Red Mill was once Sydney’s most popular rum. It was first made in 1933 at the legendary CSR distillery on the harbour front in Pyrmont, then bottled by George Fesq to be sold as Fesq’s Red Mill Rum.

 George Fesq was my great grandfather, and I decided to restart Red Mill, and restart making Rum, in 2020.

The difference now is we are making the rum ourselves, with a modern style based on a barrel collection that is like no other.

Our home is in the White Bay Steelworks, just a short hop across the harbour from the original distillery.

Red Mill Rum Gold Rum Advertisement

Well from our 4th birthday (Happy Birthday to us!) to the 50th birthday of one of Australia’s favourite producers of some seriously fantastic rum – Brian Retsall of Lord Byron.

Yep, Brian turns 50 this month and to celebrate such a milestone, what do you think a rum maker does? You probably guessed it; he releases a rum to celebrate! We’re happy to be offering the Lord Byron Birthday Special exclusively to our members.

The Lord Byron “Brian’s 50th Birthday Bottling” is a pure single rum from Byron Bay. A mix of 3 and 4 year old ex-bourbon and ex-red wine cask maturation has given this rum big fruity notes from the wine casks that sit perfectly with the creamy vanillin’s from the American oak influence. Presented at 43% abv, it’s the first of a new direction from Lord Byron.

Now 50 years old is a milestone birthday in anyone’s language – and if you happen to make one of Australia’s finest rums, there’s really only one way to celebrate – a special 50th Birthday Bottle. And this is what we have here – exclusive to the Rum Tribe from Byron Bay. Chocked full of NSW Northern Rivers goodness – 100% sustainably produced with renewable energy, zero waste, good vibes and super-happy cows.

Yes – happy cows! You see, all water used in the fermentation and production of Lord Byron Distillery spirits comes from their own dairy farm off in the Hills outside Byron Bay. So nearly every day, the farm truck transports tanks of water from the farm to the distillery, and every day it takes a load of dunder (the spent left-overs after the wash is distilled) from the distillery to the farm. This stuff is like candy to cows and as such, the Retsall family cows are amongst the happiest anywhere!

Up until now, Lord Byron has only released single cask rums at cask strength. This 50th Birthday rum marks a new chapter at Lord Byron in that this is the first rum they have produced that is a blend of barrel types… AND… is presented at lower-than cask strength. It’s two firsts in one bottle and we’re proud to launch it as our Rum of the Month.

a LIMITED EDITION ‘Navy Proof’, 100% Caribbean rum to celebrate the Coronation of the King of England

Our Tasting Notes:

Nose: A lovely combination of creaming soda and liquorice allsorts with a citrusy twist and crispy granny smith apple note in the background

Palate: Such a cornucopia of flavours here – firstly a lovely creamy mouth feel, and a mild ginger spice from those French oak red-wine casks. But then there’s an explosion of stewed fruit and Christmas spices. (Christmas in July maybe?) all drizzled with gooey caramel and vanilla cream.

Finish: It’s light – but it’s also long and constantly evolving and…wow it’s long! I get a lovely lasting wash of vanilla, some very light funky sweet fruit salad notes, liquorice, and espresso (with just a slice of lemon…it’s lovely I made it myself…you should try it! – my apologies to the Beverly Hills Cop Franchise)

Wow – I wish someone made ME a rum this good for MY 50th birthday. At 43% abv this is eminently quaffable neat without doing tooo much damage (well… you know…). HOWEVER, make no mistake – this is big and really interesting in the flavour stakes. Very ‘analysable’ for the rum geeks – but slides right into your favourite mixers with zero fuss or bother at all. This rum is so easy to get along with.

  • PRICE : $99

  • ABV : 43%

  • BOTTLE: 700ml

  • REGION: Australia (NSW)

  • No Added Sugar / No Added Colour


Matured for 3 to 4 years in cask, decanted and then blended together.

This is a premium sipping rum that can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks or as the base for your favourite mixer drink or cocktail.

Nose: Brown sugar and caramel tones.

Palate: Pepper & honey up front, followed by toasted crème Brulé delivering a long, lingering smooth finish.


The earliest record of the Restall family in Byron Shire dates back to 1897 when Jack Restall was the local butcher in Billinudgel. Although this fact wasn’t discovered by Brian and Helen Restall until recently, it explains why they have always had a deep sense of affinity with the area and to traditional trade and craftsmanship.

For several years, Brian was the CEO of Cape Byron Power, a local Northern Rivers’ 100% renewable electricity generator located adjacent to the local farmer owned sugar mills at Condong and Broadwater. It was within this role, Brian came to realise that almost all of the food-grade molasses, created by the local sugar mills, was used for cattle feed. Given the sub-tropical environment of the Northern Rivers region, Brian and Helen felt that there was clearly a higher and better use for a small part of this local molasses.  

Brian and Helen have travelled extensively and worked around the world. Brian loves dark spirits and Helen is passionate about light spirits. Together they strive to create a small-batch, handcrafted range of spirits that aims to deliver a superior tasting experience. They are members of the Australian Distilling Association and have been trained and mentored by Bill Lark’s team in Tasmania – Bill, being the first person in 153 years to get a micro-distilling license, and is affectionately known as the “Godfather” of the craft distilling market in Australia.

From the home of Rhum Agricole and for the first time in Australia especially for the Rum Tribe! A brand new Caribbean rum from legendary Martinique producer Rhum J.M – The Terroir Volcanique.

Whilst we’ve jumped into sugar-cane juice derived rums (both aged and un-aged) previously – this month we have the absolute, real deal, l’original. The OG of Agricole, the cardinal crafters of cane juice, the recognized rulers of rhum – an aged Agricole Rhum from the home of Rhum Agricole – Rhum J.M

The Rhum J.M Terroir Volcanique is a column-distilled agricole. It is technically a ‘Vieux Agricole’ has been matured for at least 3 years in American oak with two distinct toasting regimes – intense, and extreme!

Rhum J.M Terroir Volcanique

Agricole is a Rum (Rhum) variety that can only be produced in Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Madiera and Reunion Island using the juice of sugar cane. ‘Agricole’ (or more specifically ‘Rhum Agricole’) is a term that is protected under an AOC (Appellation d’origine contrôlée) Much like the name ‘champagne’ can only be used to describe a certain type of sparkling wine from a specific area. 

This latest release from Rhum J.M celebrates their place of origin with an ode to the terroir of Mount Pelee – the temperamental volcano that overlooks the distillery and plantation.

Rhum J.M Terroir Volcanique
Ron Colon Salvadoreno
A GOLD MEDAL winning Caribbean Rum for the 2020 price of $99

Our Tasting Notes:

Nose: Cookie dough, vanilla and brown sugar with tinned peaches and cream alongside a cane-train bin full of fresh cut cane billets.

Palate: Big and bold and certainly takes no prisoners. There’s a huge raw-sugar-sweet fruitiness to this that is kept right in check by the column-distilled crispness of this spirit. Big vanilla cream notes punching right through give testament to the American Oak barrels J.M are using.

Finish: It’s a lovely whirlpool of sweet mock-cream apple turnover, with nutmeg-ey spice, licorice and creaming soda with just the mildest of astringency in the finale.

This is so easy and moorish to drink straight up I can’t even imagine cutting it with a mixer. An ice-cube might be nice on a hot day- but no more. Of course it is your rhum – drink it how you like and damn the haters. Tell them to get their own!   

Purchase this Rum
  • PRICE : $129

  • ABV : 43%

  • BOTTLE: 700ml

  • REGION: Martinique

  • No Added Sugar / No Added Colour

Rhum J.M Terroir Volcanique Bottle


“At Rhum J.M, we produce a rum that we want to be excellent. And our idea of excellence goes beyond that of taste. The J.M enthusiast must have the assurance that behind each of our bottles, passionate women and men have given meaning to excellence. By preserving their ecosystem, by promoting the raw material, by passing on the gestures and secrets of ancestral know-how, and by sharing the love and flavor of a unique product.” Emmanuel Bécheau Director of the Fonds-Préville Distillery

Column Distillation, Aged in American oak barrels having benefited from two types of toasting (intense & extreme), it draws its exceptional character from the environment of Montagne Pelée.

Terroir Volcanique, born from the perfect symbiosis between our unique terroir and the recognized know-how of the Fonds-Préville distillery, combines power and deliciousness to offer a unique tasting moment reflecting the many riches of Martinique.

Powerful and delicious. The perfect illustration of the Terroir and Know-How of Rhum J.M.

Dress Golden

Nose Notes of vanilla, honey and empyreumatic

Mouth Round with notes of tropical fruits and nutmeg Profile Complex | Powerful | Intense


At the foot of Mount Pelee, a luxuriant nature thrives bordered by two rivers: Roches and Macouba. At the end of the 18th century, Antoine Leroux-Préville acquired a 164-hectare estate in this enchanting place to create a sugar mill. He gave it the name ‘Fonds-Préville’.

A century later, in 1845, the estate was bought by Jean-Marie Martin who gave a new impulse to the sugar factory by transforming it into a distillery. Shipped to Saint-Pierre, the rums with the initials ‘J.M’ were increasingly successful.

In 1912, the distillery was bought by the Crassous de Médeuil family. The two estates (Fonds-Préville and Bellevue) were then combined to form a single estate of 400 hectares. Major improvements are made, which contribute to give J.M. rum its reputation.

In 2002, the Martinique-based family business G.B.H bought the distillery. A few years later, the group undertook a complete modernization of the site to make it a model distillery, a jewel of intelligence and harmony with nature.

Rhum J.M Terroir Volcanique

To say we’ve been looking forward to May’s ‘Rum of the Month’ for over a year now is a bit of an understatement! Our incredible Karu/Rum Tribe collaboration, code named ‘RUMBLEDORE!’ has finally been bottled and is ready for the ‘Tribe – Karu Distilling Specialty Cask ‘Rumbledore’!

  • Matured in a Grand Marnier cask (we think this is a first!)
  • Filled with a single cask chosen by Karu and Rum Tribe
  • Bottled at a Batch Strength of 55%abv
  • First ever Karu Specialty Cask expression

Now Nick and Ally Ayres have been mates of the Rum Tribe since we kicked off back in 2020. In fact, they are OG members of the ‘Tribe and we’ve been thrilled to watch them win medal after medal, award after award for their spirits – and of course, especially their pure, single rum – Outcask!

Nick and Ally and I have been talking about ‘doing something really special’ for around 2 years now – waiting and watching for what that ‘special something’ would be. Then at the start of March last year I got a call from Karu saying they had found that ‘special something’ and I had better get down there quick smart! I arrived about 5 days later and was greeted by a beaming Nick and Ally (and Seb!) proudly showing off a still wet Grand Marnier cask. Ta-DA!

For those unaware – Grand Marnier is a blend of barrel-aged congac and orange liqueur and sugar. The mix is then further matured in oak casks – which is what Rumbledore is.

Karu Distilling Specialty Cask Rumbledore

I am here to tell you; I have NEVER smelt such a lusciously irresistible cask in all my years of sticking my nose into small wooden holes. I just can’t describe how luscious this cask smelled. How sweet-and sticky-and-orangy-and-honey-y and utterly irresistible this thing was. I almost wanted to climb inside!

This was, indeed, the ‘special something’ we had been waiting for.

Karu Distilling Specialty Cask Rumbledore

Now we had to name the cask. You see, Nick and Ally don’t just number their casks – they name them. Usually a topical rum pun. Barilyn Munroe, Edwood Woodward, Craig Stavid to name a few that feature in their barrel racks. After a while we decided on ‘Rumbledore’ and so it became!

And then came the onerous job of selecting what we’d put in it. It’s truly a dirty job to go through cask after cask with the distillers deciding what we’d like to fill it with. But we put our shoulders into the task, and by unanimous decision we all chose a single cask of Outcask rum named ‘Barol Caskin’ which was (at the time) just over 2 and a quarter year old.

So, in the sticky end-of-summer heat in the Devils Wilderness we filled Rumbledore with the contents of Barol Caskin and put it away to let time, and the Devil’s Wilderness climate do its thing. It ended up spending just a little over 12 months in the Grand Marnier cask to allow it to catch the very last legs of the 2024 summer heat before being partially decanted at 3.3yrs old total and bottled at a generous batch strength of 55% abv. (Cut with pure, Devils Wilderness rainwater).

This rum is a whole lot of firsts for Karu. It’s the premier of their new look labeling. It’s their very first ever ‘Specialty Cask’ expression. The first time they’ve used Outcask as a base for further experimentation – and you can take it to the bank that this won’t be the last of the ‘Specialty Cask’ Rums from Karu!

It won’t be the last time we see Rumbledore, either. They have refilled it with more Outcask rum (although not a single cask this time – rather the Outcask Core blend). Will we be seeing how it progresses and have it back sometime down the track? – you can bet your sweet booty on it!

Karu Distilling Specialty Cask Rumbledore
Mystery Rum
Our ‘Members Extra’ for May is a MYSTERY – Our first Rum Tribe Mystery Rum and its only $99!

Our Tasting Notes:

Nose: Just so much deliciousness going on in this nose. There’s orange peel and honey, fairy floss and aniseed. Wafts of black tea leaves and doughnut dough drift through evening jasmine and fruit salad.

Palate: Wow – big and palate coating – with an initial kick of pepper that settles right down (the smallest ‘bloop’ of water eliminates it completely). Big fruity num-nums come bursting out with a delicious vanilla-creaminess that keeps those big 50%abv shoulders right in check.

Finish: Lovely, looooovely finish. It’s as chewy as bubble gum, rich and round, with big sultana notes, licorice allsorts and black coffee, as a sense of the citrus curls in and out.

Whilst this rum doesn’t SCREAM ‘Jaffas’ or ‘Terry’s Chocolate Orange’ – once you learn how it was finished, it all makes perfect sense! There’s just so many layers of flavour here. A cornucopia of fruit salad, candied peel, creamy-vanilla-caramels, aniseed-y and coffee notes – all the way through to floral aromas. This is BIG AUSSIE PURE SINGLE RUM with a European twist (… and a heart of absolute gold!)!

Purchase this Rum
  • PRICE : $129

  • ABV : 55%

  • BOTTLE: 700ml

  • REGION: Australia (NSW)

  • No Added Sugar / No Added Colour

Karu Distilling Specialty Cask Rumbledore Bottle


Hey Rum Tribers!

This is the first stop on our specialty cask release for Outcask Rum and, what a stop it is and I’m excited you’re here for it.

We took a single cask of our fully matured Outcask Rum and aged it for a further year in a Grand Marnier cask to see what differences it brings to our staple favourite.

What to expect is a richer aroma that you typically get from fortified or liqueur barrels with subtle sweet citrus of orange with candied spices. I have made a hefty dent in my bottle which is a good indicator we’re onto something good.”

Tasting Notes:

The Grand Marnier cask brings a new layer of sweetness to the aroma of Outcask Rum. Alongside subtle candied citrus, a hint of vanilla and warm spices whilst still keeping true to the notes of tropical fruit and creaminess from the original rum.


Launched in 2018 Karu Distillery by husband and wife team Nick and Ally, the focus has always been to create quality spirits that highlight the science and art of the distillation process.

Based in the Devils Wilderness NSW the range has grown to include Affinity a contemporary Australian gin, Lightning a navy strength gin, Morita a chipotle vodka and, of course, Outcask – their delicious golden rum. 

Karu is fast becoming one of Australia’s most awarded distilleries, in 2021 Lightning gin took out the Trophy for best contemporary gin at the International Wines & Spirits Competition.

Karu Distillery
Karu Distillery

Is this new Dead Reckoning Rum a 3 continent indy rum bottling or a science project? Well both! Follow along with us for the Dead Reckoning Three Continent Blend!

  • Rum sourced from 3 countries (Guyana, Vietnam, South Africa)
  • The Guyanese rum is a 3-still blend (is this a blend of a blend?)
  • The rums (aged between 3 and 5 years) then married into an ex-Makers Mark Bourbon cask
  • That Barrel was then rolled into the Adelaide sun every day for 18 months
  • Some crazy angel share/ABV magic happened
  • Bottled at a perfect 50.3%

We are thrilled to present the latest Dead Reckoning super juicy fruit, fruit salad of a “hot house rum” – The Dead Reckoning 3 Continent Blend!

Now we know that Dead Reckoning has been producing some absolutely sensational rums up in the Adelaide Hills. We’ve also seen that the peculiar micro-climate of the area causes the ABV of casks matured here to INCREASE over time. The incredibly low average humidity of the area means that water is drawn out of the casks at a faster rate than the alcohol. With over 12 degrees difference in average minimum and maximum temps in summer (over 8 degrees difference in winter), combined with the frequent temperature and barometric extreme events of Adelaide means any cask maturing here is really working!

But what if the natural bizarre climate and its effects got you wondering… what if MORE? What if you were to somehow turbo-charge this ‘Adelaide Dry Aging’ phenomenon?  What if you could somehow ramp-up an already insane maturation environment? 

What if… you put a barrel of rum on a wheeled rack and rolled it out into the Afternoon sunshine every day for… let’s say… 18months? (Yes this is what actually happened!) Not only would you use the heat of the direct sun to warm it (up to 52 degrees as it turned out!) but the twice-daily movement of the barrel would add agitation to the list of factors ‘boosting’ this ‘hands-on’ finishing treatment.

Dead Reckoning Three Continent Blend

But first – you’d need a rum with shoulders big enough to take this… abuse? … torture?… SCIENCE! Justin had already Mhoba and Sampan in mind as he’d never heard of a blend from these countries (South Africa and Vietnam) before. However, he felt this pair needed a third with some real ‘oomph’ to give the blend some muscle. And a 3-still blend of Guyanese Rum at 68%abv was just the steroid this gym-junkie-to-be needed. In the end the ratio was 8% Guyana, 56% Mhoba and 36% Sampan. So this is a blend of both molasses and cane-juice based rums from three continents – hence Three Continent Blend or TCB.

These rums already ranged between two and 5 years of age prior to their ‘Dead Reckoning’ treatment.  They were married into an ex-Makers Mark Bourbon cask and tortured for a further 18 months under Justin’s hellish regime. Every afternoon the rack was wheeled over to the roll-a-door which was (un) ceremoniously opened to allow the full hit of the afternoon sun to smash it (in summer) and warm it’s icicle-ey  (well.. not quite icicle-ey I suppose) bones in winter. Once the sun went down, it was wheeled away and put to bed for the night. I’m not sure if Justin read it a story, or tucked it in – but I’m sure it went to bed each day knowing it was truly loved J

And so what was the result of this ‘Hot House’ treatment?  Well firstly, and objectively, a massive 27% angels share by volume accompanied by a 7.8% increase in ABV. Yep, the blend went into it’s finishing cask at 42.5% and has come out the other end at 50.3%. Both of those numbers are really quite astounding. But, when all the scientific dust is settled, what’s really important is … what does it taste like?

Dead Reckoning Three Continent Blend
Germana Cachaca
a hand-made, single-barrel, family-run, farm-to-bottle, artisanal-production Cachaça

Our Tasting Notes:

Nose: Wow, well first of all it’s a HUGE hit of yummy yummy fruit salad. Then there’s brown sugar, sultanas and subtle wafts of sweet “polythene glue making everything so sweet” (to quote Brisbane’s Regurgitator – a much better earworm). It’s just so big and sweet and… nosey. I could sit here nosing this for a week! It’s all-at-once earthy, floral, meaty AND fruity sweet!

Palate: The mix of still types gives this a creamy mouthfeel, but still a sense of ‘crispness’ of the column still. A medium pepper hit – but that tames very quickly and is much subdued by the second sip. There’s more funky tropical fruit here, but also liquorice, sweet caramel and even some very tame leather notes.

Finish: That big sweet funky ester train just keeps on a-rollin’. The pot still percentage keeps the oilyness going well into the finish – real chewy stuff. So many sweet fruits and lolly-memories tumble and spin and dash in and out.

This is a big, juicy and utterly delightful rum that is also a bit of a chameleon on your palate. Just when you think you’ve got it pegged, you pour another glass and find a new note that reminds you of something almost-forgotten from your childhood. In the subsequent drams since first penning these notes I’ve also picked up milk-bottle lollies, honey-jumble biscuits, tinned pineapple, sherbet and even a bubble gum from my very early days as a kindy kid in Switzerland who’s name I’ve forgotten – but I certainly remember that taste. It’s a rum you’re going to want another of to see if you did taste that… and another just to be sure.

Purchase this Rum
  • PRICE : $139

  • ABV : 50.3%

  • BOTTLE: 700ml

  • REGION: Guyana / Vietnam / South Africa / Australia (SA)

  • No Added Sugar / No Added Colour

Dead Reckoning Three Continent Blend Bottle


Welcome to Australian hot house rum – otherwise known as Dead reckoning TCB.

I wanted to create a blend using three rums from three distilleries from three different continents. I also wanted to use Cane juice as well as molasses based rums. The Rums used for the blend was Guyana/South Africa/Vietnam. To my knowledge, I have not seen a blend with Mhoba or Sampan before. With the 3 stills used from Guyana it’s a blend within a blend. 

The Blend ratio : Guyana 8%, Mhoba 56%, Sampan 36%

Bourbon cask aged – 2-5 yrs Tropical & Australian dry aged 1 1/2 years 27% angels share.

A 3 still Guyanese blend – Port Mourant double wooden vat single retort / Enmore Coffee twin column  / Diamond Versailles single wooden vat single retort ) bourbon cask tropical aged Molasses based, Mhoba pot still rhum American oak African aged cane juice , Sampan rhum column still pure sugar cane juice

The South African and the Vietnamese just didn’t have enough backbone to it when I was playing around with the blend, it needed something with balls so the Guyana blend although it was only a minor component definitely gave it the foundations I was looking for

For this experiment, I decided to age a barrel of Rum in my steel sided garage in Adelaide South Australia. The Barrel used was a level three char 200 L EX makers mark bourbon Barrel.

I made a barrel rack on wheels and wheeled the barrel into the afternoon sun, every single afternoon for the 18-month period.

Then overnight it was brought inside where it naturally cooled down, its effect – opening and closing & contracting the internal oak barrel grain. Another factor to take into consideration is whilst it was wheeled twice a day, the rum was agitated / sloshed around.

Internal Barrel temperatures reached a maximum of 52° and a minimum of 2° over the ageing period of 1 1/2 years. In the shed – Lowest humidity reading was 15%, highest 88%. As well as a huge 7.8% increase in ABV over the 18 month period.

As an Indy bottler, it’s nice to be able to play around with things, try different blends, experiment and ultimately leave your fingerprint on a release. The end result on this experiment is a spirit that tastes well beyond its true age, rich viscous with layers of Stonefruit flavours.


Justin Boseley, has immersed himself in rum for the past 20 years; a journey starting as a deck scrubbing lad with a thirst for Rum and adventure culminated in him becoming a Chief Officer; driving billionaire’s mega yachts around the world. This life of salty seadog adventure took him to Rum’s heartland, the Caribbean islands for 6 months a year, every year.

When he wasn’t at the helm of a mega-yacht he could be found hanging off a bar or at a distillery sampling the best the Caribbean rum scene had to offer. Upon ending his days at sea there was only one thing he knew better that navigating around the world’s oceans- that was Rum. For 10 years Justin has scoured the globe discovering & importing the world’s best rums into Australia.

Dead Reckoning is Australia’s first independent rum bottler, and each release from his bond-store is an anticipated event that never fails to please!  The Rum Tribe is incredibly proud of our close association with Justin and the Dead Reckoning brand.


Nestled amongst the rolling hills of the Onderberg district of Mpumalanga and amidst our own sugarcane fields, you can find The MHOBA Rum Distillery: An artisan distillery where we make 10 different types of Pure Single Estate Sugarcane Rhum or Pure Single Sugarcane Rhum.

Unlike most traditional rum, which is made from molasses which is the by-product of refined sugar production, MHOBA rum is made from pure sugarcane juice. Our rum is 100% pot distilled from fermented sugarcane juice and contains no additives, colourings or flavour modifiers and is therefore termed Pure Single Rum; The rum equivalent of Single Malt Whiskey.

What makes MHOBA rhum even more unique is that the whole rum making process occurs on our sugar estate. From planting our own organic sugarcane right through to hand filling and labelling our bottles after distilling in our self-designed and self-built stills, MHOBA Rhum is 100% rum that is made by us.


A team combining more than 35 years of experience in the field of wines and spirits, but above all, a group of friends dedicated to bringing together in the same project, their love for rum and their attachment to Vietnam. Antoine Poircuitte, the Master Distiller, driven by his passion and experience, wanted to bring back to taste a family tradition in order to elaborate the best Vietnamese agricultural rum.

The one and only place in Vietnam where you will be able to discover a French still and a traditional ageing method surrounded by a pristine beach! It is the ideal place for all lovers of Artisan rum who want to enjoy their tastings in a heavenly setting.

The harvesting time of Sampan production takes place at the end of each day. Harvesting done by hand means a low per-hectare yield but enhances a better juice concentration. To ensure maximum freshness and a high-quality juice cane, the canes are always delivered within 12 hours of harvesting, directly at our production site.


In 1993, there were only three distilleries still operating in Guyana (Diamond Distillery, Uitvlugt Distillery and Enmore Distillery). By 2000 only Diamond Distillery remained. Luckily (for the rum world), the stills and expertise from the Uitvlugt and Enmore Distilleries were transported and housed at the Diamond Distillery. These 4 ‘Heritage Stills’ (three of them wooden!) are still in use today at Diamond Distillery. And the Guyanese component of TCB is a blend of all of those stills!

Dead Reckoning Three Continent Blend

Well it’s been a long time in the making, but we’ve finally done it! A RUM TRIBE EXCLUSIVE collaboration with those South Aussie soulsters of sublimation, the Adelaide angels of extraction, prehensile purveyors of PURE SINGLE RUM…has finally come of age! Our own Mad Monkey Barossa cask is here… and it’s a BEAUT!

The Mad Monkey EX-Barossa Cask is made from NSW Northern Rivers molasses (from the Condong, Broadwater, and Harwood Sugar Mills) fermented using a mix of wild and commercial ale yeast. Double distilled in ‘Albert’ – Mad Monkeys Pot Still. Set down to age in American oak, ex-Barossa wine cask for 3 years and one month and finally bottled for the Rum Tribe at 43%abv.

Now we’ve featured Mad Monkey before – but never one of their aged rums. Their ‘Baked Apple’ is a big favourite of the Rum Tribe cocktail crowd but we’re stoked to finally be able to present a pure single rum from these awesome guys.

Mad Monkey Barossa Cask

Now, this may only be Mad Monkey’s 4th aged rum release – but don’t let that fool you. These guys were running a full FIVE years before they released their first aged rum. They didn’t rush to market with a hurried 2yo, but rather perfected their fermentation and distillation before committing to the barrel.

Mad Monkey aren’t afraid to experiment with their rums. They use a mixture of wild yeast form their own ‘dunder and muck’ and commercial ale yeast in their Adelaide distillery. Interestingly, they are also presently experimenting with using bees as a way to collect wild yeasts from their local area.

Mad Monkey Barossa Cask
Ron Cubaney Gran Reserva
The Ron Cubaney 15 year old Gran Reserva is possibly the hardest to find of all the Ron Cubaney Rums.

Our Tasting Notes:

Unfortunately, yours truly has come down with the dreaded ‘Rona during writing this and I have completely lost all sense of taste and smell. Luckily, Kirk Pinner from Island Coast Rum has been visiting Brisvegas and has kindly taken on the role of ‘guest rummer’ for the month.

Nose: With spiced cloves, all spice, sultanas, light golden syrup and fruit cake with a touch of sweet soft banana goes nicely with the golden appearance.

Palate: Easy to sip at 43% ABV and cools nicely with an ice cube on a warm evening. A balanced combination of burnt orange, sultanas and sugary spice.

Finish: A hint of aniseed, cloves, light and sweet brown sugar, and gentle bitterness with all spice coming through.

Purchase this Rum
  • PRICE : $135

  • ABV : 43%

  • BOTTLE: 700ml

  • REGION: Australia (SA)

  • No Added Sugar / No Added Colour

Mad Monkey Barossa Cask Bottle


Embark on an extraordinary journey with this batch release exclusive for our esteemed mates at the “Rum Tribe.”

Aged for 3 years and 1 month in Ex Barossa Valley Red Wine Casks, this exquisite spirit embodies unparalleled craftsmanship. Crafted with a blend of wild and ale yeast, it offers a sensory exploration like no other.

Delight in the tantalizing aroma of orange, dates, and minerals, paving the way for a palate of phenolic richness, tobacco undertones, and the sweetness of dried apricots. Its soft, oily texture unfolds into a spicy finish, leaving a lingering warmth.

Double Pot Distilled and matured in an American Oak barrel & seasoned with Barossa Valley Red Wine, this non-chill filtered creation is a testament to purity. With zero additives, save for reverse osmosis water to achieve perfection, each 700ml bottle at 43%abv reflects the epitome of indulgence, beckoning to be savoured neat, over ice, or any preferred manner.

Tasting notes.

Nose: Orange, Dates and minerals

Palate:  Phenolic, Tobacco, Dried Apricots

Mouthfeel:  Soft oily open and spicy finish.

Method: Double Pot Distilled

Yeast: Muck & Ale yeast

Maturation: 3yrs 1 mth

Barrel: American Oak & Barossa Valley Red wine

Zero additives except reverse osmosis water to break back to bottle strength. Non chill filtered. Designed to be sipped neat, over ice or however you damn please.


Way back in 2018, long before global pandemics and capacity restrictions were a thing, two monkeys were stumbling along their own crooked paths, dwelling on their dreams of bringing a slice of the Caribbean to little old South Australia.

Through sheer serendipity, the two monkeys’ paths crossed deep in the Barossa Valley, at an annual Australian Distiller’s Conference. After bonding over their shared ideals, and comparing their varied skill sets (and with the aid of some of Australia’s finest spirits) two Caribbean fever dreams began to manifest themselves as one…

5 years later, we present to you Mad Monkey – South Australia’s first dedicated rum distillery, nestled deep in the heart of Dudley Park. Using a mix of open fermentations, specialty yeasts and a little black magic, we aim to introduce our world to yours.

Mad Monkey
Mad Monkey

This month it is all about the Hellfire! Hellfire Bluff Distillery is a Tasmanian family-run farm-to-bottle producer recognised internationally for their own-grown potato vodka. In the last few years, they have been branching out and we’re stoked to be featuring their fourth Rum release bottled EXCLUSIVELY for the Tribe – The Hellfire Bluff Hellfire Rum RT01.  

Hellfire Rum RT01 is a molasses-based rum, with the base product trucked down from sunny QLD to the Apple Isle (Tassie grows a lot of great produce, but sugar cane just ain’t one of ‘em!). The water used in the ferment is the purest rainwater in the world ‘flown in’ straight from Antarctica and the Southern Pacific Ocean! It’s a column-distilled rum, coming out of spirit run at around 85%abv. Cool-Climate, sea side matured for 3 years in 100l ex-Apera and ex-Makers Mark Bourbon casks right on the SE corner of Tasmania. Bottled exclusively for the Rum Tribe at 43% (cut with that sweet, pure Tassie rainwater!).

Because it’s such a fantastic story, with such a fantastic end-product, we’re going to offer members a chance to taste their world renowned Vodka as well (the spirit that started it all for them). Why is it special you may ask? Well it’s one of only TWO distilleries in the Southern Hemisphere making vodka with potatoes, and one of a handful in the world.

Hellfire Rum

Tasmania isn’t the first place you think of when you think of rum – but it does make sense that some distilleries in the Apple Isle are starting to turn their attention to rum making. In the same way the Tasmanian climate emulates Scotland for ageing whisky (inspiring the ‘rebirth’ of the Australian whisky industry in the ‘90’s), a vast amount of rum is cold-aged in massive warehouses in Europe – which, obviously, Tasmanian climate can resemble too! We’re truly blessed with so many different aging climates enabling our country to turn out so many different and interesting rums!

Now whilst Tassie is probably best known for it’s whisky production, there is a growing stable of distillers down there who have turned their attention to other spirits – including rum. We’ve already tried (and loved… we sold out!) the Island Coast Rum from Tassie – and this month it’s Hellfire Bluff Distillery’s turn to slake the Rum Tribe’s thirst with their wonderful Hellfire Rum.

Hellfire Bluff distillery didn’t set out to make rum when it was first built back in 2015. In fact, it was built by the Daly family in order to diversify their potato farm business by using the 20% of potatoes that are rejected for sale simply because they ‘look funny’ (and subsequently passed off as cow fodder). They have set up one of the only 2 distilleries in the southern hemisphere making potato vodka. 

In 2020 when a certain virus shut down everything – the Daly’s used it as a chance to further diversify. Whilst a lot of distilleries went in the direction of producing alcohol for hand sanitizer – Hellfire decided to go with rum! Why rum? Well firstly the Daly family loves rum and secondly, at the time there was no one making rum in Tassie. It seemed like a no-brainer.

And last but certainly not least – these are not the standard 500ml Hellfire bottles- but just for the Rum Tribe, Hellfire have bottled for us in 700ml bottles. And in doing so we’ve completely cleaned them out of rum until at least after March!  The Rum Tribe is THIRSTY!

Hellfire Rum
Not just any vodka, only 1 of 2 Vodka’s made from potatoes in the Southern Hemisphere and one of a handful in the world.

Our Tasting Notes:

Nose: A very ‘brown’ nose – not very fruity, but more chocolate, espresso coffee and salted caramel with dusty oak notes sprinkled liberally there. There’s definitely a sweet and salty seaside influence here.

Palate: Nice and easy on the sip with that 43% abv very well integrated. Dried fruit jumps out on the palate much more so than is noticeable in the nose. Sultanas, raisins and mixed peel, as well as a nice nutty-nougat note – all drizzled with vanillary custard

Finish:  Sweet espresso coffee with crisp dark chocolate takes a tumble with some salted-caramel, cola notes and just the merest hint of pepper at the back of the palate as it fades.

A seriously easy drinking – yet very interesting and complex rum that will be just as loved by those new to good rum as the ‘old hands’. It’s not a funk-forward rum, there’s way more nuts and dark coffee than there is funky over-ripe fruit. It’s all about those ‘bitter-sweet’ notes to me – the dark chocolate, espresso coffee and nuts – all with a very subtle salty backdrop that can only be attributed to the seaside aging. Lovely!

  • PRICE : $119

  • ABV : 43%

  • BOTTLE: 700ml

  • REGION: Australia (TAS)

  • No Added Sugar / No Added Colour

Hellfire Rum


Hey Rum Tribe!

We are so excited that our little potato farm distillery has been chosen for this month’s release. The Hellfire team has great passion for our small batch rum releases, and we think Rum Tribe has our best release yet!

Fermented, distilled, matured and bottled on site at our distillery on the rugged and remote southeast coast of Tasmania. This special release was barrel aged for 3 years, starting maturation in a Bourbon cask and finishing in an Apera cask.

First impressions on the nose are charred oak & tobacco, with dessert-like sweetness of raisin & custard.

A golden palate reveals walnuts balanced with a praline sweetness, rounded out with a hint of bourbon.

The finish is subtle yet long, with light cedar and a gradual reveal of pecan nougat.

Our cellar door is always open on the southeast coast of Tasmania, We hope you can come say hello to us one day soon!

Thanks – Ruby & The Hellfire Team


Perched above the rugged expanse of Hellfire Bluff on Tasmania’s southeastern coast lies Daly Farm, the birthplace of Hellfire Bluff Distillery. More than 30 years ago, the Daly family hand-planted their inaugural potato crop, a humble beginning that now sees them supplying potatoes to retailers across Tasmania. Unconventional as far as distillery origins go, their journey unfolded as they pursued a dream of crafting distinctive spirits and adding value to the potatoes cultivated on their farm.

The distillery’s inception marked the introduction of their premium Potato Vodka, a traditional-style spirit that stands out as one of the few in Australia crafted from potatoes. This unique creation earned them the title of Best Australian Varietal Vodka at the 2022 World Vodka Awards.

Fueling their passion for crafting top-tier spirits, Hellfire Bluff Distillery expanded its repertoire to include small-batch Tasmanian Gins, highly coveted Liqueurs, Ready-to-Drink offerings, and cool-climate Tasmanian Rum. Emphasizing quality ingredients, the entire product line utilizes pristine local Tasmanian rainwater harvested on the farm. Along their journey, Hellfire has garnered acclaim at esteemed national and global competitions, amassing over 40 medals, 17 of which are gold. Notably, their Summer Floral Gin secured the title of Australia’s Best Contemporary Gin at the 2021 World Gin Awards.

Well welcome to 2024! Happy New Year Tribe and we are off and racing with a huge EXCLUSIVE AUSTRALIAN RELEASE to bring in the new year! The Dead Reckoning South Pacific

A ten-year-old, muscat cask, 100% tropically aged, single blended rum from the legendary South Pacific Distillery in Fiji…bring on the Dead Reckoning South Pacific!

The Dead Reckoning South Pacific – is a bit of a dichotomy.  The first impression is of one of a HUGE rum that absolutely CHARGES out of the bottle and rams into your olfactory system as you open it for the first time. It’s just such a, well, BIG smell it’s almost a little disconcerting imagining how it’s going to hit the palate…and yet when you do take your first sip, what strikes you is just how immensely well behaved this Fabulous Fijian is!      

Dead Reckoning South Pacific

Sometimes a rum has a story that defies belief. Sometimes a rum is ‘just right’ when an indy bottler finds it. Sometimes it needs nothing more – just a qualified eye in the right place at the right time… and a little bit of luck of course. This is the story of such a rum. Distilled in 1994 at South Pacific Distillery – a blend of both [‘double thumper’] pot and column still rum. It was tropically aged in Fiji in Australian Muscat Casks (from Charles Sturt Winery in Wagga Wagga to be precise!) for 10 years. In 2004, these casks were married into a single stainless steel tank. The tank was then shipped to an Amsterdam rum warehouse where it was promptly forgotten about. 

Forgotten about, that is, until in 2022 (a full 18 years later!) when a certain Justin Boseley was snooping around the dusty back corners of said warehouse sniffing out unusual rums (he’s like a bloody truffle-pig in a bond-store, people!). I like to imagine he climbed over a few racks of barrels, before pulling back a dusty tarp to reveal this mysterious stainless vessel. I also like to imagine the smile that formed when he cracked the lid and first smelled the precious cargo it held.

Normally, at this point Justin would put the tank on a boat, sail it to Adelaide where he would finish it in a cask or casks he felt would improve the flavour in the dry Adelaide heat. For example, last time we offered a South Pacific Distillery Dead Reckoning (the 21 year old Mutiny South Pacific, back in 2021) Justin had finished it in Cream Apera Casks in Adelaide for 12 months.  This time though – for the first time – Justin had found a rum that was absolutely ready to rock and roll just as it was. So he bottled it onsite in Amsterdam and then sent it to Europe and the USA as part of his first onslaught into these huge markets.

Now we’re big fans and good friends of the Dead Reckoning brand – and it’s this ongoing friendship that has allowed us to received an allocation of an otherwise Europe-USA only release (there is only 1240 bottles worldwide). For the Dead Reckoning collectors – note the foil-sealed cork on this rather than the wax seal screw-top used on the Australian-bottled releases!

Dead Reckoning South Pacific
The only rum EVER to come out of NSW powerhouse distillery Corowa!

Our Tasting Notes:

Nose: So much going on here – and every time you go back you get something new! Gingerbread a-plenty at first, but then sultanas, bananas and pawpaw – all mashed up rather than funkily over-ripe. There’s candied peel there too… and cloves… and biscuit spices… and then…

Palate: Lovely sweet and lusciously tropical. Just the merest smidge of heat at first but the succulent sweetness quickly extinguishes any fire. Huge, voluptuous and syrupy fruit notes coat the palate like render as vanilla-ey custard notes dollop on for the ride.      

Finish: The finish backs up the nose and palate admirably – there’s no disappointing ‘fizzle out’ on this back end. Thunderous barrels of chewy dried dates, liquorice, black coffee and toffee roll on and on, bumping over funky fruit notes and more of that [delicious IMHOP] ginger nut bickie spice. Flavour-wise this is a mammoth rum – so much to be lip-smacked and tooth-sucked out of this offering from Dead Reckoning. It’s truly a gentle giant though – it gives a warm yet considerate hug, it’s affable and it’s easily approachable by both rum newbie AND total-rum-geek.

Seriously – I feel a bit of cheat with these tasting notes. There are new flavours to be found pretty much every sip – let alone if you leave it and come back 10 minutes later – LET ALONE TOMORROW!!  Whilst you could mix this with a ginger beer or ginger ale quite easily – frankly, it’s just waaay to good to adulterate with anything other than some ice (it’s bloody hot this time of year, after all!).

  • PRICE : $129

  • ABV : 47%

  • BOTTLE: 700ml

  • REGION: Fiji

  • No Added Sugar / No Added Colour

Dead Reckoning South Pacific


After sampling this rum that was purely aged in the Sth Pacific I knew I had to have it . Initially destined for release in Europe & the US, it was decided the Rum Tribe had to have a slice of the pie as well . 

I first bottled this in Amsterdam, then shipped it back to Australia. It’s time spent in a Muscat cask rounds off this once untamed rum perfectly. It still has hints of the rawness that’s always attracted me to South Pacific rum, but its 10 years in a Muscat cask had added layers of flavour profile & a subtle dipping experience. First distilled in 1994, barrel aged 10years in Fiji, then 18 additional years in a stainless steel holding tank have married the flavour chain together perfectly. 

Nosed it has a herbal quality, similar to St Lucian rum. Pine Cones, some Pot Pourri and a touch of eucalyptus. Further nosing reveals some molasses, toffee and sweet vanilla. Time in the glass gives more time for the aromas to reveal themselves. Slightly menthol notes appear alongside some light tar and cigarette smoke.

It’s a complex nose. It’s a rum which is really worth sitting with and nosing. You will get a lot out of it this way and it will also improve your sipping experience. It is both light and soft, yet quite menacing at the same time.

On the sip it is quite spicy with a fair amount of barrel influence. It’s oaky but the spice from the oak isn’t overly woody. You get a good hit of sweet vanilla. The herbal nature of the rum comes out more with each sip – the pine cones and eucalyptus that was on the nose is very evident. I’m also getting a carbolic/soapy element.

On the mid palate the rum evolves further. A sooty/tarriness comes through. I think if you experienced a Fijian rum – for the first time you could well think it was a blend. It has elements of St Lucian rum, heavy Caroni and most definitely funky Jamaican notes.

The initial sip and mid palate carry a fruitiness as well, which works nicely with the more herbal notes. It keeps the more aggressive elements of this rum at bay. It keeps the balance nicely.


Justin, has immersed himself in rum for the past 20 years; a journey starting as a deck scrubbing lad with a thirst for Rum and adventure culminated in him becoming a Chief Officer; driving billionaire’s mega yachts around the world. This life of salty seadog adventure took him to Rum’s heartland, the Caribbean islands for 6 months a year, every year.

When he wasn’t at the helm of a yacht he could be found hanging off a bar or at a distillery sampling the best the Caribbean rum scene had to offer. Upon ending his days at sea there was only one thing he knew better that navigating around the world’s oceans- that was Rum. For 10 years Justin has scoured the globe discovering & importing the world’s best rums into Australia.

Dead Reckoning is Australia’s first independent rum bottler. We know there’s more in the works from Dead Reckoning and we can’t wait to try more and more of these fabulous independent bottling from a true rum legend.


The South Pacific Distillery is known as the quite achiever, often producing rums under a cloak of secrecy, supplying independent bottlers with mind blowing rums. Their distillery is named ‘South Pacific Distillery’ and they use column stills and a John Dore pot still / double retort (double thumper) configuration. This still configuration is much better explained by others than myself. And HERE is a very good explanation of the ‘double thumper’.

Other very well-known rum distilleries such as St Lucia distillers, Foursquare, Hampden & Worthy Park use the same or a very similar system.

A closed fermentation process using molasses (closed so that birds don’t fall into the ferment) for 70 to 100 hours produces what can only be described as an element of funk. Dunder is not used; controlled yeast is the activator in their ferment.

High Grade Sugar cane and subsequently molasses is in no shortage on the islands of the South pacific, ideal for quality rum production.

After the ferment is run through the still the “rum” is normally stored in Ex Bourbon barrels in its high temp and humidity environment. The colour of this rum is evident that its “tropical ageing” is a rewarding and tumultuous partner, providing a full bodied and funky rum.